Monday, June 30, 2008

Solar-powered cellphone kiosks give jobs to Ugandan women

An interesting insight into how rural cellphones are charged in developing countries - and maybe a gateway for evangelism and cellphones?

Dave Hackett

Springwise: Motopower: solar-powered cellphone kiosks for Ugandan women

Mobile phones are connecting people around the globe like never before, but the simple fact remains that they don't work without electricity. In Uganda, which has one of the lowest levels of electricity in Africa, Motorola has launched an initiative to provide solar recharging stations that can be run by local, entrepreneurial women.

Launched last year, Motorola's Motopower project has brought 55 solar-powered kiosks to Uganda that offer free mobile phone charging to local consumers. Each kiosk is charged by a 55-watt inverted solar panel and can charge up to 20 phones at a time. The women who run the kiosks, meanwhile, are also equipped to sell handsets and operator SIM cards and to provide repair services. For local people without their own phones, the kiosks effectively function as a local "phone booth" for making occasional calls as well.

The initiative was designed to empower entrepreneurial women by providing them with the foundations to manage their own sustainable businesses.

(Follow link to read the rest of the article.)

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